Connecting more than two ports by a broadcast link

In some cases, is necessary to connect various ports to the same broadcast link. This is possible using a special features. To connect more than two ports to the same broadcast link, the steps that must be followed are:

  1. First, you must have the objects with their own ports instantiated (see C-2, steps 1 to 6).
                  x                           x                      x
             object1/port1               object2/port2      object3/port3  
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
  2. Now, create and as instantiate one port for each object. The port must have the same name the ones in the objects:
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
        x                                 x                        x
        x                                 x                        x
     object1/port1                    object2/port2         object3/port3        
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
  3. Draw a line (use the draw tool of TGIF) connecting the ports:
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
        x                                 x                        x
     object1/port1                    object2/port2         object3/port3        
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
  4. Select the line and ports then choose Connect Ports to a Broadcast Wire from the Ports and Signals submenu in the Special menu. Fill the dialog box eiht a name for the broadcast connection, e.g., broad1.

  5. Choose Connect Two Ports by a Wire from the Ports and Signals submenu in the Special menu, then connect the first port from the first object to the broad1 line. Fill the dialog box with broad1 or other that you want.
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
        x                                 x                        x
    (name = broadcast_port)
  6. To connect the other ports use Repeat Connect Two Ports by a Wire
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
        |                                 |                        |
        x                                 x                        x
     object1/port1                    object2/port2         object3/port3        
    (name = broadcast_port)   (name = broadcast_port)    (name = broadcast_port)
Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27