Float/Integer Queue

This kind of state variable allows using a dynamic structure to keep the state values in the simulator. All other state variables have a static size, defined during the modeling.

FloatQueue and IntegerQueue variables can be viewed as double-ended queues. The commands save_at_head(), save_at_tail(), restore_from_head(), and restore_from_tail manipulate these queues. restore_from_head and restore_from_tail remove the element from the queue. One limitation is that Tangram-II dqueue operations only support vectors, and Tangram's vectors must have dimensions $\geq 2$.

  Declaration =
      FloatQueue: Statusqueue(2);
Inside an event or message:
  float b[2];
  FloatQueue statusqueue(2);
  get_st(statusqueue, "Statusqueue");
  b[0] = 1.0;
  b[1] = 2.5;
  set_st("Statusqueue", statusqueue);
Inside another event or Message:
  float a[2];
  FloatQueue statusqueue(2);
  get_st(statusqueue, "Statusqueue");
  restore_from_head(statusqueue, a);
  set_st("Statusqueue", statusqueue);
For more information, see the fluid server FIFO example.

Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27