
©1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 LAND1 /UFRJ2 (Edmundo de Souza e Silva).

The copyright below applies to the free-of-charge distribution copies of TANGRAM-II. Please send e-mail to tangram-ii@land.ufrj.br concerning other types of licenses.

A non-exclusive, royalty-free license limited to use, copy, display, distribute without charging for a fee, and produce derivative works of "TANGRAM-II" and its documentation for not-for-profit purpose is granted to the party hereby receiving "TANGRAM-II" ("Recipient") provided that the above copyright notice, the original author's names, and this permission notice appear in all copies made of "TANGRAM-II" and both the copyright notice and this license appear in supporting documentation. All other rights (including, but not limited to, the right to sell "TANGRAM-II", the right to sell or distribute derivative works of "TANGRAM-II", the right to distribute "TANGRAM-II" for a fee, and the right to include "TANGRAM-II" or derivative works of "TANGRAM-II" in a for-sale product or service) are reserved by LAND/UFRJ.

TANGRAM-II is distributed in the hope that it will be useful for education and research but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. TANGRAM-II is provided "as is" without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Special Permissions to Commercial Linux OS Distributors

Special permission is granted by the authors of TANGRAM-II to any commercial Linux distributor to redistribute TANGRAM-II in a for-sale Linux product provided that all the conditions below are met:

The product is a Linux OS product (i.e., the product must either install or upgrade the Linux kernel).
TANGRAM-II's copyright is included in the product.
TANGRAM-II's copyright, authors information, and contact information are kept intact in the executable.
TANGRAM-II makes extensive use of TGIF (Tangram Graphic Interface Facility). TGIF has its own copyright.