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*                              What is new?!                                  *
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Last updated: Wednesday October 24th 2012 - 12:01PM

-> TangramII v3.5.0

- New  hash  table  implementation allow users to create  Markov  Chains  with  
  greater number of states. In fact, the new version imposes no limits  to the 
  number of states.

- Due to changes on new versions (GCC 4.5) of GCC compiler, Tangram-II was not 
  working properly on Ubuntu 12.04. Models including state variables with names 
  greater than 10 characters would not compile. This issue is now fixed.

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-> TangramII v3.2.4

- A new module, called HMM Module, was added. It allows users to work with
  hidden Markov models.
- The Modeling Tool Kit (MTK) was added to Tangram-II. MTK is a programming
  framework, developed for TANGRAM-II, where users can develop different types
  of mathematical models and algorithms, and them together, in a single
- User can create and work with HMMs objects and methods, during a simulation.
- Event timeout extended during a simulation, and user is now warned when an
  event is taking to long to process, and before Tangram-II stops the

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-> TangramII v3.1.1

- Fixed some issues that were prevented Tangram2 to compile properly with
  gcc 4
- Traffic Generator
  - Added multicast support to traffgen. Now traffgen can generate and
    receive multicast traffic

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-> TangramII v3.1

- Grammar
  - << and >> bitwise operators.
- Code now compiles in gcc 3.4.

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-> TangramII v3.0

- Modeling Environment
   - Now, the use of features that are only allowed for simulation produce
     errors when used for chain generation.

- Grammar
   - Function pow and sqrt have been inserted.
   - set_st command accepts a constant.
   - OR AND bitwise operators.

- Simulation
   - Printing functions (printf, fprintf).
   - Function for reading simulation time
   - Now the user can specify seed values to be used in simulation. Seeds use
     a special format (12 hexadecimal digits) and can be passed through the
     interface. The simulation report (.SIMUL.) shows the
     seeds used so the user can "cut-and-paste" them to reproduce the sample

  Simulation language syntax
   - get_random() - generates a [0,1)-uniform pseudo-random number.

  Interactive Simulation
   - Now floating point values can be visualized. This includes Float state
     vars as well as rate and impulse rewards.
   - Values (both float and integer) can be shown with printf-like
     format string syntax. e.g.: Utilization<%.4f> shows the value
     "Utilization" with 4 digit precision in floating point format.

- In Traffic Generator Module:
   - Several new features in Traffic Generation (see manual).
   - Module for active measures.
   - Support for estimate a distribution from a Trace using MSE and method
     of Moment.

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-> TangramII v2.0

- Grammar
   - Model constants can now be used as case's within 'switch' statements.
   - Little sintax change, but still compatible with the old one, except for
      "port" that now is a reserved word.
   - The parser now reports the exact line where the error was detected.
   - New math functions recognized by the parser:
       - log
       - log10
- New Tools
   - Probability matrix to OBJ generator tool created (with rewards).
   - Trace to markovian histogram program included.
- Simulation
   - Parallelization on runs added (with PVM).
   - Fixed all memory leaks.
   - Instantaneous Reward calculated from Cumulative Reward and vice-versa.
   - Traces for Instantaneous and Cumulative Rewards.
   - Doesn't write reward to its trace on every event, just when it changes.
   - FloatQueue and IntegerQueue type variables added.
   - Reward Sum added.
   - Float State Variables for Batch Simulation.
   - Reward Reached event added.
   - Reward Levels added to the interface.
   - Now messages can carry vectors.
   - New Distributions:
      - Weibull.
      - Pareto.
      - Truncated Pareto (The sample is truncated if a MAXVALUE is exceeded).
   - Bug fixed in LOGNORMAL distribution.
      - Formula was corrected.
   - Fluid Simulation Objects Added
      - Servers GPS (CS and CP), FIFO and Leaky Bucket.
      - Source MMF.
      - Sink and Channel.
      - Many examples included.
   - AnimPlot, a program that can plot trace files as they are generated is now
     included to allow the visualization of cumulative reward traces during the
     execution of batch simulation.
- In Traffic Generator Module:
  - Performance was improved by a custom-made usleep function.
  - Model specification is more flexible.
  - IP traffic measures
	- A bug in Jitter trace measure was fixed.
- Solution methods:
  - New solutions to obtain:
    - Point probabilities at a given time t (approximate solution).
    - Expected reward in an interval (approximate solution).
- Manual
   - Now also in searchabe PDF format. Great for finding out syntax details in
- Graphical Interface
   - Some minor fixes.
   - The Traffic Modeling graphical interfaces have been redesigned.
   - Interface for simulation trace options has been modified to accommodate
     new features.
- Tangram-II Whiteboard
    - New implementation of the Reliable Multicast Protocol includes a
      configuration file with many options such as:
        - Multicast Group IP address and application port: user can choose
          an IP address and an application port for the whiteboard
        - Cache size
        - Log file
        - Timers parameters

    An example file can be found at $TANGRAM2_HOME/etc/tgwb.config.sample.
    To use that sample file, modify it to fit your needs and copy it to
    /etc/tgwb.config or $HOME/.tgwb.config

    Further information and documentation can be found at:
- Small features added to the matrix visualization and state variables
  permutation tool.
- VivaVoz, a fully-featured voice communication tool for the Internet is now
- New example models made available with in the Tangram-II web site.

End of File, bye.