For this model we will pay special attention to how to use the Measures of
Interest module. Click on the Measures of Interest module. The interface is
shown in Figure
The Measures of Interest module.
![\includegraphics[width=4in]{figuras/measurespmf4.eps}](img227.png) |
For any measure of interest, we must select a file that contains the
steady-state or transient probabilities of the model.
This file is generated by the solution method chosen in the Analytical Model
Solution module. In this example, we use the file generated by the
no block Method. We also have to specify the file to store the results that we
want to obtain (calculated measures of interest). The Measures of Interest
module has three different sections:
- - In this section we are
able to calculate the probability mass function of one or more state variables.
For this, it is necessary to choose the variable of interest in the Choose
Variables box. If we want to obtain conditional probabilities, we must select
the Conditional box. Then the conditional pmf of the selected state variables
will be calculated. Suppose that we want to obtain
- PMF of the Switch_2x2.queue_1 - Choose the
Switch_2x2.queue_1 variable, select a name for the measure of
interest file and click on the Evaluate button. To see the
result, click on the Plot button, select the file generated, and
click on the GNUPlot button. Figure
shows the result.
The PMF of the Switch_2x2.queue_1
![\includegraphics[width=4in]{figuras/pmfqueueout.eps}](img228.png) |
- PMF of the Switch_2x2.queue_1 conditioned on the state of
the On_Off_Source_1 and of the On_Off_Source_2 - To
calculate the PMF of Switch_2x2.queue_1 conditioned on the
On_Off_Source_1 and the On_Off_Source_2 being in the ON state,
specify the condition
(On_Off_Source_1 = 1) & (On_Off_Source_2 = 1)
IMPORTANT: We must use parentheses to specify functions. If
parentheses are not employed carefully, wrong results may be generated.
- - Suppose we want to calculate the
probability of a function of two or more state variables. For example, we
may be interested in the probability that a state variable is equal to three
times the value of another state variable. To specify the appropriate
function we select the corresponding tabbed pane in Figure
. As another example, suppose that we have
two objects in the model with their respective state variables and we want
to obtain the probability that the sum of these two state variables is less
than a specific value. To do this, we must specify the function
(state_variable_1_name) + (state_variable_2_name) < value
If we select the Conditional option, the conditional probability of this
function of the state variables is computed.
Other examples:
- If we want to obtain the probability that the sum of
Switch_2x2.queue_1 and Switch_2x2.queue_2 is equal
to 2, we have to specify the following function:
(Switch_2x2.queue_1 + Switch_2x2.queue_2) = 2
. We can also
calculate the probability that Switch_2x2.queue_1 equals twice
Switch_2x2.queue_2. This measure is specified by
(Server_Queue_1.queue) = 2*(Server_Queue_2.queue)
- Conditional Behavior of Queues 1 and 2 - Suppose that we want to obtain
the probabilities above, conditioned on the On_Off_Source_1 being
ON. In this case it is necessary to click on the Conditional option and
construct the function
(On_Off_Source_1.status = 1)
- - This section is used when we want to
obtain the probability of a set of states. We can also use the Conditional
option as in the previous sections. For example, suppose that we want to
obtain the probability that the size of Queue 1 is 2 and the size of Queue 2
is 3, given that Source 2 is ON. To do this we specify the function
(Switch_2x2.queue_1 = 2) &
(Switch_2x2.queue_2 = 3)
. The
condition is (On_Off_Source_1 = 1)
- Average Rate Reward
- - This section is used
when we want to obtain the average at time
or in
steady-state. In fact, it is computed as an inner product of the reward
vector and the probability vector.
- Average Impulse Reward
- - This section
is used when we want to obtain the average at time
or in steady-state. We consider the probability that the model is in a
state, say
, multiply by the probability that occurs an transition to a
other state, say
, and multiply by the impulse reward. Then we sum
over all possible combinations.
NOTE: In ``PMF of one or more state variables'', ``Function of
state variables'', and ``Probability of a set'', we can select more than one
state probabilities file. In this case, the will generate a
specific file for each time interval and a file with the interest measure for
all time intervals.
Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime