Model Description

This model describes a system with a Poisson source that generates packets to a queue that serves them if and only if it has a token (generated by the Token_Passer object). When the queue receives the token, it closes a ``gate'' and serves the packets until a timeout expires. Note that the queue continues receiving packets, but they are stored behind the gate. If packets stored after the gate is closed are not served, they must wait until the next arrival of the token; see Figure [*].

Figure: The Gated Queueing Vacation Model.

The description of the objects is shown in Figures [*] and [*].

Figure: The Gated Queue object (Gated Queueing Vacation Model).

Figure: The Token Parser object (Gated Queueing Vacation Model).

Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27