The reliable multicast transmission was implemented as a function library called RML (Reliable Multicast Library) [#!rmcast_site!#]. When tgwb is started the user is prompted for configuration options, such as multicast address and port and whether or not the mcastproxy (see section ) program should be started. Another way to customize RML options is editing the configure file tgwb.conf, located at .tgwb directory in the user's home.
#Reliable Multicast Library configuration file #Reliable Multicast Library version RM_VERSION=1.0 #Transmission mode: 0 multicast (default), 1 unicast TRANSMISSION_MODE=0 #Multicast or Unicast IP address to send data (destination IP) DEST_IP= #Multicast or Unicast port to send data (destination port) DEST_PORT=5151 #Time to live for the packets setting (1 indicates local network) TTL=1 #Inter-packet sleep timer: #Time between packet transmissions ( choose from 0 to 65535 microseconds) MICROSLEEP=10 #Log file path - NULL disable logging (default) LOG_FILE=NULL #Random Timers Distribution: 0 uniform 1 exponential TIMER_DISTRIBUTION=0 #Timer parameters # Timers values are obtained in the intervals: # (TIMER_PARAM_A*T,(TIMER_PARAM_A+TIMER_PARAM_B)*T) # for NAKs # (TIMER_PARAM_C*T,(TIMER_PARAM_C+TIMER_PARAM_D)*T) # for wait for retransmitions # (TIMER_PARAM_E*T,(TIMER_PARAM_C+TIMER_PARAM_F)*T) # for for retransmitions # Where # TIMER_PARAM_A, TIMER_PARAM_B, TIMER_PARAM_C, # TIMER_PARAM_D, TIMER_PARAM_E and # TIMER_PARAM_F are integer constants # T is the estimated one-way delay to the senders TIMER_PARAM_A=2 TIMER_PARAM_B=2 TIMER_PARAM_C=5 TIMER_PARAM_D=2 TIMER_PARAM_E=2 TIMER_PARAM_F=2 #Host related parameters and timers: # Must contain exactly the following lines: # HOSTS_IDENTIFIED=0 # DEFAULT <AVERAGE_ESTIMATED_DELAY> # host1 <ESTIMATED_ONE-WAY_DELAY_TO_host1> # host2 <ESTIMATED_ONE-WAY_DELAY_TO_host2> # ... # hostN <ESTIMATED_ONE-WAY_DELAY_TO_hostN> # If HOSTS_IDENTIFIED=0 then we will read only the DEFAULT # estimated delay. HOSTS_IDENTIFIED=0 DEFAULT 300 #Max number of naks that can be sent for each packet. 100 (default) MAX_NAK=100 # We will be able to retransmit the last MAX_MEMBER_CACHE_SIZE packets # from each member of the multicast group, i.e., we will store the last # MAX_MEMBER_CACHE_SIZE PACKETS from each member of the multicast group # in the cache. 4000 (default) # # WARNING: if you set MAX_MEMBER_CACHE_SIZE to low values the protocol # may fail! # MAX_MEMBER_CACHE_SIZE=4000 #Enable support for new members 1 enabled (default), 0 disabled NEW_MEMBER_SUPPORT=0 #Show transmission statistics: 0 disabled (default) 1 enabled STATISTICS=0 #Time between transmission of refresh messages (seconds) REFRESH_TIMER=10 #Loss simulation: 0 disabled (default) any float number > 0 enabled # # A note about loss simulation: # When loss simulation is enabled (LOSS_PROB > 0) we always loose the # first 10 received packets, and the first received data packet - # that is, the first burst of received packets. # After that, packets are lost according to LOSS_PROB. # Example: LOSS_PROB=30 # The first 10 received packets will be lost. # Then, 30% of the packets will be lost LOSS_PROB=0 # Time to wait, in microseconds, before leaving the multicast group. LEAVE_GROUP_WAIT_TIME = 500000 # Size of the buffer of the receiver host # (maximum size of a message that may be processed by the receiver host). RCV_BUFFER_SIZE = 10000