As was said in section , each plugin is a blueprint from which objects are created. There is no limit on the number of objects that can be instantiated, during the same session, from the same plugin. This allows the user to work with several instances of the same model, but with different parameters, and compare their results, when applied to the same problem.
Any object, on MTK, can be created with the new command:
Usage: object_name = new plugin_name(parameters)
where object_name is the name given to the object; plugin_name is the name of the plugin from which the object will be
created; parameters are the parameters requested by each plugin,
which can be found on the plugin's help message.
Deleting an object is even easier than creating it. To delete any object, on
MTK, just use the delete command:
Usage: delete object_name
where object_name is the name of the object to be deleted.
Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27