
The hmm_batch_variable plugin has two different constructors:

hmm_batch_variable( )
hmm_batch_variable( $<$N$>$, $<$M$>$ )

where the first one creates an empty hierarchical general hidden Markov model (it assumes its parameters will be loaded hereafter); and the second creates a HMM-VarBatch with $<$N$>$ hidden states and $<$M$>$ observation symbols, and initializes its parameters with random values, satisfying the stochastic constrains. MTK always assumes that the last symbol, i.e., the $(M-1)$-th symbol, is the end-of-batch symbol. Don't forget this! Each of the $N$ states is associated with a unique integer number, ranging from $0$ to $N-1$, which identifies the state. The observations symbols, emitted by the model, range from $0$ to $M-1$, and each lower-level state is associated with one, and only one, symbol. As said previously, the symbol $M-1$ will always be the end-of-batch symbol.

Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27