Commands get_ir() and set_ir()

Instantaneous rewards (i.r.) define how much the cumulative reward (c.r.) will increase by time unit. These i.r. values can be set in two different ways:

  1. During the specification of the reward. Here the pairs condition-value defines all about our i.r.
           rate_reward = fluid1
           condition = (state == 1)
           value = -124.5;
    NOTE: in the above example, the value of the i.r. changes in accordance with the value of state, i.e. 0 when the condition is false and -124.5 otherwise.
  2. Inside the action code, through the set_ir command, which overrides the previous value of the i.r. After using this command, this reward will increase by the value set.
    NOTE: Conditional values of i.r., as in the previous note, are only allowed in the reward declaration part. Once set_ir is used, the conditional is ignored. To restore the conditional declaration, use unset_ir.
           set_ir(fluid1, 100.5);
           set_ir(utilization, 0);
Commands get_ir and unset_ir are used in the code of an action to get an instantaneous reward's value and to enable automatic calculation, respectively. Their behavior will be defined by eq. ([*]) below.
   x = get_ir(Queue_size);

Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27