Event Distributions

The interval between the occurrence of two events can have one of the following distributions:

  1. Exponential - (EXP, rate)
  2. Deterministic - (DET, rate)
  3. Uniform - (UNI, lower_value, upper_value)
  4. Gaussian - (GAUSS, mean, variance)
  5. Erlang - (ERLANG, mean, number_of_stages)
  6. Log Normal - (LOGNORM, mean,variance)
  7. Pareto - (PAR, scale, shape)
  8. Truncated Pareto - (TRUNCPAR,scale,shape, max_value). In this distribution, if the value of sample is more than the parameter max_value, the sample is truncated at max_value.
  9. Weibull - (WEIB, scale, shape)
  10. FBM - (FBM, mean, variance, maximum level, time scale, Hurst)
  11. FARIMA - (FARIMA, mean, variance, number of samples, time scale, Hurst)
  12. File - (FILE, file name).


Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27