Expected Cumulative Impulse Reward

The number of occurrences of some events during an interval is another important random variable to be considered in the analysis of computer systems. For instance, we may be interested in the number of failures of a given component during $(0,t)$; or in the number of times a given component caused the system to fail. In this case, the rewards are associated with the transitions of the Markov chain model.

We can calculate the expected cumulative of the given events using the Expected Cumulative Impulse Reward (See [#!book-escola92!#]).

The interface for this method is shown in Figure [*].

Figure: Expected Cumulative Impulse Reward Interface - Uniformization Technique.

The parameters are the same as for the Expected Cumulative Rate Reward - Uniformization Technique.

Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27