To use the Matrix Visualization - State Ordering, choose the Analytical Model
Solution button, and then, the View Matrix button. The interface is shown in
The Matrix Visualization - States Permutation Interface.
![\includegraphics[width=4in]{figuras/matrixinterface.eps}](img125.png) |
The main options of the Matrix Visualization - State Ordering interface are
- Ordering of States
- . This option is
used when we want to see the structure of the matrix with the
permutation of the state variables that is defined in the List
of State Variables box. When we want to see the structure of the
matrix after the chain is generated (the matrix visualization program
does not guarantee any pre-defined state ordering), we do not select
this option.
- List of State Variables. Used to obtain a
. The number on the left side of each variable
represents its current position in the variable vector. It is possible
to change the order of the variables with the following buttons:
First, Up, Down, Last. The state
variables are used to obtain a specific . For
example, if the state variables are ordered as shown in Figure
, then the states are ordered in such a
way that the last state variable varies faster than the previous state
variable, in increasing order. The tool generates the uniformized state
transition probability matrix from the generator matrix.
- Color Options. This option is used to associate colors to
probabilities of states (Low, High
and Zero probabilities). All the colors can be chosen from the following
set black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, purple. The color
depth defines the number of colors used to represent the probabilities. For
example, if color depth is 4 then the number of colors used is
- Extra Options
- Use another extension to define the state transition probability
matrix file. A new extension is used for the probability matrix file
instead of the default
<model name>.st_trans_prob_mtx.
- . This option is useful when the
number of elements in the matrix is greater than the number of pixels in
the window canvas.
- Maximum Probability: the probability shown will be the maximum
probability (in the transitions that occupy the pixel).
- Minimum Probability: the probability shown will be the minimum
probability (in the transitions that occupy the pixel).
- Average Probability: the probability shown will be the average
probability (in thetransitions that occupy the pixel).
- Buttons
- Show with the configurations
specified in the interface.
- Update Generates new files (generator matrix, etc) according
to the new state ordering.
- Close Closes the window.
The interface to visualize the matrix is shown in Figure
The Matrix Visualization Interface.
![\includegraphics[width=4in]{figuras/matrix.eps}](img127.png) |
The main options of the Matrix Visualization interface are:
- On the left, the matrix is shown.
- The displays information concerning
the current zoom. There are options to zoom to a specific area of the
matrix. The given parameters are the coordinates and the size of the area
(in number of states).
- The tool bars are on the upper right corner. It is possible to choose
among the following options: .
The option Show Blocks: On/Off is used to show the blocks defined
for the matrix and that will be used in block solution methods (e.g. GTH
- The Block Information option allows the definition of
matrix blocks. The user has to specify the initial state of a block, the
size of a block and the total number of blocks with this size. The button
Generate Output generates a file with
(the extension of this file is .blocks). This file will be used as
input for a solution method based on the block elimination (e.g. block GTH).
Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime