The tool can calculate statistics from a pre-recorded stream (trace). The module
accepts as input, for instance, the number of bytes per a given interval and
produces first and second order statistics as output. The first-order statistics
are: average traffic rate (bits/time unit), variance, and burstiness. The second
order statistics are: autocovariance, autocorrelation, and index of dispersion
per count. The
for instance, is obtained, for a
finite data set, by dividing the set into non-overlapping intervals and taking
these intervals as different sample paths for the random process .
In the interface we call ``window'' the non-overlapping intervals. We can also
obtain other measures, such as the fraction of time above a given rate.
Let be the th sample of your trace file.
Figure shows the interface to
compute some statistics from a pre-recorded stream.
Interface to obtain traffic statistics from a trace
The parameters to be given are:
- Trace Name
- The name of the file that contains the pre-recorded stream.
- Number of samples
- Number of samples in the trace file.
- Time Scale
- Time between two consecutive samples in the trace ().
- Maximum Time Lag
- The measure will be computed from to this value.
- Number of points
- The total number of observation points, from zero to
maximum time lag. Note that
- Input Values
- Sample:
, where sample are
the sample values given in your trace.
- Sample/Time scale:
- Interval between windows
- The interval between two consecutive windows:
it can be an exponential random variable or zero. It is used for the
computation of IDC.
Notice that and are related. It does not make sense, for
example, to set and , as there is no sample at odd times.
For these mistakes, Tangram II prints an error on your terminal window.
- Your trace file should contain just the sample values. The tool assumes
that they are evenly-spaced by .
- When a time scale does not make sense, as in calculating the
autocorrelation of a delay trace, set to 1.
If the traffic model is Markovian, first and second order statistics can be
obtained using the recursions given in [29]. The overall model containing the
traffic model plus the network resources model can be built using TANGRAM-II.
TANGRAM-II also calculates several measures of interest, such as loss
Figure shows the interface to
compute some statistics from a Markovian model. The parameters Initial
Probability, Time Intervals, and Precision have to be
provided for second-order statistics only. The parameter Reward Name is
the name of the reward in the model that will be used to calculate the traffic
model statistics (in general, the reward represents the traffic source rate).
Interface to obtain traffic statistics from a markovian model
The parameters to be given are:
- Initial Probability
- This specifies the probability vector at time zero:
- Equiprobable All states in the model have the same
initial probability.
- Initial State The initial state specified in the model has
initial probability 1, and all other states have initial probability 0.
- Equiprobable Set Each state in the set specified has the
same initial probability.
- Time Intervals
- The intervals at which to compute the traffic model
- Initial Time The first observation point; this time must be
greater than zero.
- Final Time The last observation point.
- Number of points The total number of observation points in
a time interval, including the initial and the final time.
- Precision
- Error bound.
The user is not limited to Markovian traffic models. The TANGRAM-II simulator
allows the specification of inter-event times obtained from samples from FARIMA
or FBM processes. In this case the user must specify the mean rate, variance,
time scale, and Hurst parameter.
From either the Markovian models or the FARIMA Distributions, FARIMA and FBM
Distributions, FBM, second order statistics can be obtained, by direct
recursions (if the model is Markovian) or from a trace generated by the
Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime