Tangram-II Installation Tutorial: Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS x86 (32 Bits)

Note: The Tangram-II tool is currently incompatible with 64 bits Linux. Thus, be sure you're installing it on 32 bits Linux. We recommend you to run the "uname -i" command to make sure you're running 32 bits (i386) Linux.

Step 1 - Package Dependencies

In order to install all needed packages, proceed with the following command:

user@host:~/tangram2$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server vim libqt3-mt-dev libqt3-mt \
qt3-assistant qt3-linguist nedit build-essential flex bison gnuplot libxaw7-dev libreadline-dev \
tcsh libtool autoconf xutils-dev gcc-4.5 gcc-4.5-base g++-4.5 libncurses5-dev \
xfonts-75dpi xfonts-100dpi openjdk-7-jdk tgif

TGIF requires some fonts provided by the xfonts-75dpi package. Thus, you need to force X to rebuild its font information cache files. You can do this by rebooting linux, or by providing the following command:
user@host:~/tangram2$ sudo fc-cache -f -v

Also, you will need to set gcc-4.5 as your default compiler, so you can compile Tangram-II. Tangram-II will not work on gcc >= 4.6:

  • user@host:~/tangram2$ sudo ln -fs /usr/bin/gcc-4.5 /usr/bin/gcc
  • user@host:~/tangram2$ sudo ln -fs /usr/bin/g++-4.5 /usr/bin/g++

  • Step 2 - Setting Environment Variables

    The Tangram2 tool makes use of a set of Linux environment variables. Some of them are needed to compile the code, prior to the installation, and some of them are needed to run the Tangram2 tool. For simplicity, we recommend you setting all environment variables before starting to compile the code.

    export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-i386
    export TANGRAM2_HOME=/usr/local/Tangram2
    export PATH=$PATH:$TANGRAM2_HOME/bin

    Note that, on this example, the TANGRAM2_HOME environment variable is pointing to the /usr/local/Tangram2 directory. Thus, this is a system wide installation.

    After creating the desired environment variable configuration file, you'll need to reload it before going to the next step. Depending on the type of installation you choose (user acount or system wide), enter:
    user@host:~/tangram2$ . ~/.bashrc 
    user@host:~/tangram2$ . /etc/profile.d/tangram2.sh

    Step 3 - Compiling and Installing