List of Figures

  1. The Overview of the Architecture.
  2. The Modeling Environment.
  3. TGIF - TANGRAM Graphic Interface Facility
  4. Template to define a new object type.
  5. The Analytical Solvers.
  6. The Main Screen
  7. The Modeling Environment Module
  8. TGIF - TANGRAM Graphic Interface Facility
  9. Template to define a new object type.
  10. The packet_source object type.
  11. Single and Broadcast links.
  12. The M/M/1/k model.
  13. The Mathematical Model Module.
  14. Steady State Analytical Methods.
  15. The Measures of Interest Module.
  16. The plot generated by the PMF Module.
  17. The plot generated by the PMF Module.
  18. The plot generated by the PMF Module.
  19. The model with Rewards
  20. The Simulation Module
  21. Triggering on a c.r.
  22. Illustration of bound affecting rewards.
  23. File distribution trace format
  24. The Batch Simulation Module
  25. Reward Options Window
  26. The Interactive Simulation Module.
  27. The box used to control interactive simulation
  28. TGIF interface - Progress Indicator - Interactive simulation
  29. On-Off source.
  30. 3-state MMFS source
  31. Channel
  32. Sink
  33. server_queue - FIFO
  34. server_queue - GPS-CS
  35. server_queue - GPS-CP
  36. server_queue - GPS-CP
  37. The Stationary Exact Methods.
  38. The Stationary Iterative Methods.
  39. Non-Markovian Models.
  40. The Transient Methods.
  41. Point Probabilities Interface - Uniformization Technique.
  42. Point Probabilities Interface - Approximation Technique (Direct).
  43. Point Probabilities Interface - Approximation Technique (Iterative).
  44. Cumulative Reward Distribution Interface
  45. Cumulative Operational Time Distribution Interface
  46. Expected Cumulative Rate Reward Interface - Uniformization Technique.
  47. Expected Cumulative Rate Reward Interface - Approximation Technique.
  48. Expected Cumulative Rate Reward Interface - Approximation Technique.
  49. Expected Cumulative Impulse Reward Interface - Uniformization Technique.
  50. The Matrix Visualization - States Permutation Interface.
  51. The Matrix Visualization Interface.
  52. Interface to obtain traffic statistics from a trace
  53. Interface to obtain traffic statistics from a markovian model
  54. Interface of Tangram-II to CAC algorithms
  55. Interface Tangram-II to Traffic Generator.
  56. Tangram-II Traffic Generator Structure.
  57. Generation mode - min
  58. Generation mode - max
  59. Interface of Tangram-II to IP traffic measures
  60. Interface of Tangram-II to Plot statistics measures
  61. Interface of Tangram-II to Histogram genaration and MSE estimation
  62. PMF of loss (A) and success (B) of videos packets.
  63. Delay calculation of probes generation
  64. Round Trip Delay from packets generated at the same instant
  65. Comparison between Delay calculations: (A) PMF, (B) CDF.
  66. Estimating distribution of delay tried by probes
  67. Opening Tangram-II's Model Specification Module
  68. Tangram-II's Markov Chain object.
  69. (a)Tangram-II model with the Markov_Chain object, and (b) the partial upper-level Markov chain created with it.
  70. (a)Tangram-II model created. (b)Hierarchical Gilbert hidden Markov model build with the model of (a).
  71. Mathematical Model Generation Module (a) selection button; (b) state space generation interface.
  72. HMM Module (a) selection button; (b) model selection interface.
  73. HMM Module (a) state variable selection interface; (b) additional parameter specification interface.
  74. HMM Module (a) method's and algorithm's interface; (b) chain structure visualization.
  75. The MMPP Model
  76. The Point Probabilities Method.
  77. The Buffer size PMF
  78. The Deterministic Server Model
  79. The Outputqueueing Model
  80. The Measures of Interest module.
  81. The PMF of the Switch_2x2.queue_1 object.
  82. The Traffic Model.
  83. Set Cumulative Rewards Values.
  84. The Packet Source object (Set Cumulative Rewards Values).
  85. The Server Queue object(Set Cumulative Rewards Values).
  86. Event Cloning Model.
  87. The ON_OFF Source object (Event Cloning Model).
  88. The Infinite_Server object (Event Cloning Model).
  89. The Multiple Action Model.
  90. The Poisson Source object (Multiple Action Model).
  91. The Split object (Multiple Action Model).
  92. The Queue object (Multiple Action Model).
  93. The MM1k Model with Symbolic Parameters.
  94. The Symbolic Parameters Window.
  95. The Gated Queueing Vacation Model.
  96. The Gated Queue object (Gated Queueing Vacation Model).
  97. The Token Parser object (Gated Queueing Vacation Model).
  98. The Vector Variable Model.
  99. The Poisson Source object (Vector Variable Model).
  100. The Queue object (Vector Variable Model).
  101. The Simulation Model with Animation.
  102. The Availability Model.
  103. The System_1 object (Availability Model).
  104. The Database Model.
  105. The Processor object (Database Model).
  106. The Repair object (Database Model).
  107. The Database object (Database Model).
  108. The Go Back N Model.
  109. The Sender object (Go Back N Model) Model 1.
  110. The Channel object (Go Back N Model). Model 1
  111. The Receiver object (Go Back N Model) Model 1.
  112. The Multiplex Channel Model.
  113. The Queue Object.
  114. The Geometric bulk arrivals model.
  115. The Geometric_Bulk object.
  116. The recursion tree generated by Geometric_Bulk object from the initial state.
  117. The Binomial bulk arrivals model.
  118. The Binomial_Bulk object.
  119. The Binomial bulk generation process from the initial state.
  120. Transitions generated by the arrival event at the initial state.
  121. TGWB: Tangram Whiteboard interface.
  122. mcastproxy environment example
  123. MTK block architecture
  124. MTK interfaces: (a) shell interface; (b) graphical interface.
  125. Example of a hierarchical HMM with 3 hidden states, in which a Gilbert Markov chain is associated with each hidden state.
  126. Example of a hierarchical general HMM with 2 hidden states and 4 observation symbols.
  127. Example of a hierarchical general HMM with variable batch size, $2$ hidden states and $4$ observation symbols. Notice the absorbing state, which is identified by the dashed dark circle.

Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime 2010-10-27