- The Overview of the Architecture.
- The Modeling Environment.
- TGIF - TANGRAM Graphic Interface Facility
- Template to define a new object type.
- The Analytical Solvers.
- The Main Screen
- The Modeling Environment Module
- TGIF - TANGRAM Graphic Interface Facility
- Template to define a new object type.
- The packet_source object type.
- Single and Broadcast links.
- The M/M/1/k model.
- The Mathematical Model Module.
- Steady State Analytical Methods.
- The Measures of Interest Module.
- The plot generated by the PMF Module.
- The plot generated by the PMF Module.
- The plot generated by the PMF Module.
- The model with Rewards
- The Simulation Module
- Triggering on a c.r.
- Illustration of bound affecting rewards.
- File distribution trace format
- The Batch Simulation Module
- Reward Options Window
- The Interactive Simulation Module.
- The box used to control interactive
- TGIF interface - Progress Indicator - Interactive
- On-Off source.
- 3-state MMFS source
- Channel
- Sink
- server_queue - FIFO
- server_queue - GPS-CS
- server_queue - GPS-CP
- server_queue - GPS-CP
- The Stationary Exact Methods.
- The Stationary Iterative Methods.
- Non-Markovian Models.
- The Transient Methods.
- Point Probabilities Interface - Uniformization Technique.
- Point Probabilities Interface - Approximation Technique (Direct).
- Point Probabilities Interface - Approximation Technique (Iterative).
- Cumulative Reward Distribution Interface
- Cumulative Operational Time
Distribution Interface
- Expected Cumulative Rate Reward Interface - Uniformization Technique.
- Expected Cumulative Rate Reward Interface -
Approximation Technique.
- Expected Cumulative Rate Reward Interface -
Approximation Technique.
- Expected
Cumulative Impulse Reward Interface - Uniformization Technique.
- The Matrix Visualization - States Permutation Interface.
- The Matrix Visualization Interface.
- Interface to obtain traffic statistics from a trace
- Interface to obtain traffic statistics from a markovian model
- Interface of Tangram-II to CAC algorithms
- Interface Tangram-II to Traffic Generator.
- Tangram-II Traffic Generator Structure.
- Generation mode - min
- Generation mode - max
- Interface of Tangram-II to IP traffic
- Interface of Tangram-II to Plot
statistics measures
- Interface of Tangram-II to
Histogram genaration and MSE estimation
- PMF of loss (A) and success (B) of videos packets.
- Delay calculation of probes generation
- Round Trip Delay from packets generated at the same instant
- Comparison between Delay calculations: (A) PMF, (B)
- Estimating distribution of delay tried by probes
- Opening Tangram-II's Model Specification Module
- Tangram-II's Markov Chain object.
- (a)Tangram-II model with the Markov_Chain object, and (b)
the partial upper-level Markov chain created with it.
- (a)Tangram-II model created. (b)Hierarchical Gilbert hidden Markov
model build with the model of (a).
- Mathematical Model Generation Module (a) selection button; (b)
state space generation interface.
- HMM Module (a) selection button; (b) model selection interface.
- HMM Module (a) state variable selection interface; (b) additional
parameter specification interface.
- HMM Module (a) method's and algorithm's interface; (b) chain
structure visualization.
- The MMPP Model
- The Point Probabilities Method.
- The Buffer size PMF
- The Deterministic Server Model
- The Outputqueueing Model
- The Measures of Interest module.
- The PMF of the Switch_2x2.queue_1
- The Traffic Model.
- Set Cumulative Rewards Values.
- The Packet Source object (Set Cumulative Rewards Values).
- The Server Queue object(Set Cumulative Rewards Values).
- Event Cloning Model.
- The ON_OFF Source object (Event Cloning Model).
- The Infinite_Server object (Event Cloning Model).
- The Multiple Action Model.
- The Poisson Source object (Multiple Action Model).
- The Split object (Multiple Action Model).
- The Queue object (Multiple Action Model).
- The MM1k Model with Symbolic Parameters.
- The Symbolic Parameters Window.
- The Gated Queueing Vacation Model.
- The Gated Queue object (Gated Queueing Vacation Model).
- The Token Parser object (Gated Queueing Vacation Model).
- The Vector Variable Model.
- The Poisson Source object (Vector Variable Model).
- The Queue object (Vector Variable Model).
- The Simulation Model with Animation.
- The Availability Model.
- The System_1 object (Availability Model).
- The Database Model.
- The Processor object (Database Model).
- The Repair object (Database Model).
- The Database object (Database Model).
- The Go Back N Model.
- The Sender object (Go Back N Model) Model 1.
- The Channel object (Go Back N Model). Model 1
- The Receiver object (Go Back N Model) Model 1.
- The Multiplex Channel Model.
- The Queue Object.
- The Geometric bulk arrivals model.
- The Geometric_Bulk object.
- The recursion tree generated by Geometric_Bulk object from the initial state.
- The Binomial bulk arrivals model.
- The Binomial_Bulk object.
- The Binomial bulk generation process from the initial state.
- Transitions generated by the arrival event at the initial state.
- TGWB: Tangram Whiteboard interface.
- mcastproxy environment example
- MTK block architecture
- MTK interfaces: (a) shell interface; (b) graphical interface.
- Example of a hierarchical HMM with 3 hidden states, in which a
Gilbert Markov chain is associated with each hidden state.
- Example of a hierarchical general HMM with 2 hidden states and 4
observation symbols.
- Example of a hierarchical general HMM with variable batch size,
hidden states and observation symbols. Notice the absorbing
state, which is identified by the dashed dark circle.
Guilherme Dutra Gonzaga Jaime